about us

About Us

Welcome to Our Website

Your one-stop platform for a wide range of digital services

Our Services

  • Registration
  • Social Network Management
  • Mobile App Services
  • Airdrop Join
  • Transfer of Points and Credits
  • Buy & Sell
  • Other Services
  • Verification

Service Details

Welcome to Our website, your one-stop platform for a wide range of registration, social network management, mobile app services, airdrop participation, point and credit transfers, buying and selling, and various other online tasks. We aim to provide efficient and convenient solutions to meet your digital needs.

How It Works


Create an account on our platform to start your journey.

Find Jobs

Browse through a plethora of freelance opportunities available on our platform.


Apply for jobs matching your skills and expertise effortlessly.


Complete assigned tasks with finesse and deliver high-quality output to your clients.

Get Paid

Receive secure payments for your completed work promptly.

At Our Services

At Our Services, we strive to empower individuals and businesses by offering efficient solutions tailored to their digital requirements. Join us today and experience the ease of managing your online endeavors.

Minimum Withdrawal and Payment Schedule

Minimum Withdrawal Limit

At Our Services, we have set the minimum withdrawal limit at 10 Tk.

Payment Schedule

Payments are processed every Friday.

Payment Method

We facilitate payments through the popular mobile financial service, bKash. This ensures a convenient and reliable payment experience for our users.

Financial Flexibility

With our weekly payment schedule and user-friendly withdrawal process, you can easily access your earnings and enjoy financial flexibility.

Join Us Today

Start earning with confidence, knowing that your payments will be processed seamlessly and efficiently.

Signup and Account Activation

Join Us Today

Experience hassle-free signup and account activation.

Login Instructions

Account Recovery with WhatsApp

Start Earning Money

To Start Earning Money on Our Services Platform, Follow These Steps:

  1. Login to Your Account: Begin by logging in to your account using your username and password.
  2. Earn Option: After logging in, you will find an "Earn" or "Earn Money" option on the dashboard or in the main menu. Click on this option to explore available earning opportunities.
  3. Browse Available Tasks: Once you access the "Earn" section, you'll see a list of available tasks, jobs, or opportunities. These tasks could include freelance work, surveys, micro-tasks, or other activities.
  4. Review Task Details: Click on a specific task to view its details, requirements, and payment terms. Make sure to carefully read through the task description to understand what is expected of you.
  5. Choose and Complete Tasks: Select the tasks that interest you and align with your skills and expertise. Complete the tasks diligently and according to the provided instructions.
  6. Submit Completed Work: After finishing a task, submit your work as per the specified instructions. Ensure that you meet all requirements and provide high-quality deliverables.
  7. Track Earnings: As you complete tasks and earn money, your earnings will accumulate in your Our Services account. You can track your earnings within the platform to see your progress.
  8. Withdraw Earnings: Once you reach the minimum withdrawal threshold, you can request to withdraw your earnings. Follow the instructions provided to initiate the withdrawal process.
  9. Receive Payments: After requesting a withdrawal, your earnings will be processed according to the payment schedule (e.g., weekly or monthly). Payments are typically made through the preferred payment method specified by you during account setup.

By following these steps, you can actively engage with tasks and opportunities available on Our Services platform to earn money based on your skills and efforts. Keep exploring new tasks and consistently delivering quality work to maximize your earnings potential.

Apply for Tasks

To Apply for Tasks on Our Services Platform and Receive Approval from the Admin, Follow These Steps:

  1. Click on Apply: If you find a task that interests you and you believe you can fulfill its requirements, click on the "Apply" button associated with that task.
  2. Confirmation and Admin Review: Upon clicking "Apply," your application will be submitted for review by the admin. The admin will assess your application and determine whether you are suitable for the task based on your qualifications and experience.
  3. Admin Approval: If the admin approves your application, you will receive notification indicating that you can proceed with completing the task.
  4. Task Completion: Once you receive approval from the admin, proceed to complete the task according to the provided instructions and guidelines.
  5. Submit Completed Work: After finishing the task, submit your work as per the specified instructions. Ensure that you meet all requirements and provide high-quality deliverables.
  6. Admin Verification: The admin will review the work submitted by you to ensure it meets the task requirements and quality standards.
  7. Task Approval and Payment: If your work is deemed satisfactory by the admin, it will be approved, and you will receive payment for the completed task as per the agreed terms.

Receive Notices and Engage in Live Chat by INFO

To Receive Notices and Engage in Live Chat on Our Website Platform, Follow These Steps:

  1. Notice Board: Access the notice board section on the platform where you will find all the latest notices, updates, and announcements regarding tasks, deadlines, and other important information.
  2. Review Notices: Regularly check the notice board to stay informed about any new tasks, changes in deadlines, or other relevant updates. Notices will provide you with essential information to manage your tasks effectively.
  3. Telegram Chat: Additionally, you can join the Telegram chat provided by Our Services. This chat serves as a platform for users to interact, seek help, and discuss task-related queries with fellow users and support team members.
  4. Website Chat: If live chat support is available directly on the Our Services website, you can access it by clicking on the chat icon or navigating to the designated chat section. Here, you can initiate a chat session and receive assistance from support representatives.